Corporate welfare
FNM Group has always taken care of the wellness of its employees and their families, trying to improve the quality of their lives. The welfare system, developed together with unions, offers effective answers to the needs of the employees, through the activity of three historical corporate organizations providing a wide range of services focused on supplementary fund, health, parenting and caring.
Following a non-exhaustive list of support measures for employees and family members:
- preventive medicine and annual complete check up;
- flue vaccine campaign;
- psychological counseling service;
- worklife balance for the employees: smart working, flexible hours, part time;
- meal vouchers;
- affiliated shops network for CRA members;
- performance bonus converted into welfare, which can be spent through a dedicated platform in the social-welfare, ludic-recreational fields, public transport season tickets, sustainable mobility and contribution to the FNM Pension Fund;
- contribution in case of death of the employee;
- filing 730 tax model for employees;
Corporate bodies
FNM Pension Fund
The FNM Pension Fund, established in 1992 and registered in the register of pension funds with no. 1165 in the section of the so-called pre-existing funds of the register kept by Covip, has the purpose of providing, on a non-profit basis, to members, supplementary pension treatments of the mandatory public system, in order to guarantee higher levels of social security coverage.
Enrollment in the FNM Pension Fund provides for a contribution to be paid by the company equal to 3.3% of the fixed salary. For workers in first employment after April 28, 1993, the full allocation of the TFR is envisaged, while for workers in first employment prior to April 29, 1993, it is possible to allocate even only a part of the TFR. The FNM Pension Fund does not provide for compulsory payments to be paid by the worker who can however choose to pay a voluntary contribution at his own expense, of an amount freely chosen in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 252/2005.
FNM supplementary fund
The Supplementary Fund is a mutual aid association, established pursuant to the Law of 15 April 1886, no. 3818, among the employees and the retired people of the companies of FNM Group, in order to provide grants to supplement the national health service and various provisions to help members’ families, including to support study programmes.
The Group’s companies’ contribution is equal to 0.7% of total remuneration, while that of registered workers is equal to 1% of their net salary.
Corporate Recreational Club FNM
The Ferrovie Nord Milano Corporate Recreational Club is a social promotion association, established pursuant to law 12.07.2000 n. 383, in order to promote, manage and coordinate recreational, cultural, tourist, sports, social and welfare activities at the various association levels in order to raise the quality of life and the personal and collective growth of employees and pensioners of the Group Companies FNM and their respective families. The contribution paid by the Group companies is equal to 0.15% of the total salaries.
Membership of the CRA FNM for employees is free.
Health & Safety
The “Consolidated Work Safety Act” (Legislative Decree 81/2008) was drafted in full compliance with the philosophy of the community directives focused on the planning and participation of all the subjects involved in the work.
The FNM Group’s RSPP (Protection and Prevention Services Manager), assisted by external bodies, has the role of preventing and eliminating risks and informing and training all workers.
The employer must first take into account the skills and conditions of each worker when delegating tasks. The employer must also appoint a qualified doctor to carry out health surveillance and must send the workers to have periodic medical examinations. Subsequently, the employer must ensure that each worker receives adequate information about health and safety risks at work, about the specific risks that they are exposed to in relation to their particular work, about safety regulations and company regulations on the subject and finally about procedures regarding first aid, fire fighting and evacuation of workplaces.

Not only that: the safety of passengers and all those who rely on FNM is of central importance in the group’s mission.
All of the employees of the FNM Group’s companies have the opportunity to undergo optional preventive medical examinations, including flu vaccination campaigns. They are also obliged to undergo medical examinations to prevent occupational illnesses and to verify that they do not have a substance addiction and have not taken narcotics
The RSPP and qualified doctor also analyse the working environment and manage the continuous improvement of workers’ health and safety conditions: they must optimize working conditions, reduce the possibility of injuries to workers and adopt hygiene and health protection measures..