FNM S.p.A. is a public company that has been listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1926. It carries out strategic, operational and financial coordination of all the Group’s companies. The major shareholder is the Lombardy Region, which holds a 57,57% stake.
Andrea Gibelli , Born in Codogno in 1967, he graduated in Architecture from Milan Polytechnic. Since 2015 he has been chairman and CEO of FNM S.p.A. . From 2015 to 2018 he was also chairman of FERROVIENORD. General Secretary of the Lombardy Regional Council and Director General of the Presidency from March 2013 to May 2015, he was deputy chairman of the Lombardy Region from 2010 to 2013. A member of the Italian parliament from 2001 to 2010, and from 1994 to 1996, he has been a member of the Transport and Telecommunications Commission, the General Affairs Commission and the Commission for Production Activities. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Cogeme Spa and FNMA S.p.A. In December 2018, he became president of ASSTRA (Associazione Trasporti) and in May 2020 president of Confservizi. Since 13th May 2022 he is member of the Advisory Board of Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo.


Andrea Gibelli , Born in Codogno in 1967, he graduated in Architecture from Milan Polytechnic. Since 2015 he has been chairman and CEO of FNM S.p.A. . From 2015 to 2018 he was also chairman of FERROVIENORD. General Secretary of the Lombardy Regional Council and Director General of the Presidency from March 2013 to May 2015, he was deputy chairman of the Lombardy Region from 2010 to 2013. A member of the Italian parliament from 2001 to 2010, and from 1994 to 1996, he has been a member of the Transport and Telecommunications Commission, the General Affairs Commission and the Commission for Production Activities. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Cogeme Spa and FNMA S.p.A. In December 2018, he became president of ASSTRA (Associazione Trasporti) and in May 2020 president of Confservizi. Since 13th May 2022 he is member of the Advisory Board of Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo.
General Manager
Marco Giovanni Piuri, born in Saronno in 1960, graduated in Economics at the Catholic University of Milan. In 1998, after working in managerial consultancy, he joined the FNM Group as the Strategic Development Director. Between 2002 and 2008, he occupied the position, among others, of General Manager of FNM S.p.A., Chief Executive Officer of LeNord S.r.l. and Ferrovienord S.p.A. In 2008, he took on the role of Chief Executive Officer of Arriva Italia, thereafter becoming Divisional Director – Southern, Central and Eastern Europe of Arriva PLC – Deutsche Bahn and a member of the Management Board of Aruser@18riva – London. In September 2018, he became the Chief Executive Officer of Trenord.

General Manager

Marco Giovanni Piuri, born in Saronno in 1960, graduated in Economics at the Catholic University of Milan. In 1998, after working in managerial consultancy, he joined the FNM Group as the Strategic Development Director. Between 2002 and 2008, he occupied the position, among others, of General Manager of FNM S.p.A., Chief Executive Officer of LeNord S.r.l. and Ferrovienord S.p.A. In 2008, he took on the role of Chief Executive Officer of Arriva Italia, thereafter becoming Divisional Director – Southern, Central and Eastern Europe of Arriva PLC – Deutsche Bahn and a member of the Management Board of Aruser@18riva – London. In September 2018, he became the Chief Executive Officer of Trenord.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Andrea Angelo Gibelli
Vice Chairman
Gianantonio Arnoldi
Fulvio Caradonna
Francesca Pili
Maria Teresa Tomaselli
Ivo Roberto Cassetta
Paola Panzeri
Board of Statutory Auditors
Board of Statutory Auditors
Marco Gurioli
Auditor in charge
Paola Luretti
Auditor in charge
Massimo Codari
Alternate Auditor
Alberto Grancini
Alternate Auditor
Giuseppina Saulino
Control, risk and related parties committee
Control, risk and related parties committee
Gianantonio Arnoldi
Barbara Lilla Boschetti
Ivo Roberto Casetta
Tiziana Bortot
Maria Teresa Tomaselli
Remuneration Committee
Remuneration Committee
Maria Teresa Tomaselli
Gianantonio Arnoldi
Gianantonio Arnoldi
Tiziana Bortot
Ivo Roberto Cassetta
Social responsibility and ethics committee
Social responsability and ethics committee
Paola Panzeri
Gianantonio Arnoldi
Gianantonio Arnoldi
Tiziana Bortot
Committee for the appointment of the corporate bodies of the FNM Group companies
Committee for the appointment of the corporate bodies of the FNM Group companies
Gianantonio Arnoldi
Andrea Angelo Gibelli
Andrea Angelo Gibelli
Tiziana Bortot
Fulvio Caradonna